martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Angelini de Massone e Prabi - Angelini von Massonendorf und Brabienhof (First Part)

    Stemma nel portale di Villa Angelini - Massone di Arco                     fotos E. Rodríguez F. Prati , august 2016
This notorius noble family of the county of Arco, settled in this place after the 2nd. marriage of Sebastiano Anzelini, was originary from Besenello, a town at the Valley of river Adige, beside Castel Beseno [Castel Beseno is the  biggest fortress of the province of Trento,  and was built by the powerful counts of Eppan (Appiano in italian), with the Prince bishops permission, in the 11th. Century. It was ruled after some centuries by the family called “de Beseno” after it, followed by the potent family “de Castelbarco”, and since 1470 by the Trapp family as feudataries of the Princes of Trento. In those times the Trapp, of styrian origins, also began their domain on the ancient fiefs of the Lords of Caldonazzo and Ivano. This branch is called Trapp zu Pisein (germanized form for Beseno), the cadet one of the family settled in Matsch, called Trapp zu Matsch].
Castel Beseno seen from the railways - august 2016

The territories of the southeastern part of the Principality of Trento, the “Pretura of Rovereto”, neighbor of Beseno fief, were dominated by Venetia in the 14th c. The original spelling of the nickname of Angelini, before settling in Arco, was Anzelini, as it is still today in Besenello, and so seams to be clear their origin in Venice, as Anzolo is the form of Angelo in the venetian dialect. In the town of Besenello is located “Via degli Anzelini” (street of the Anzelinis), where the family had their houses.

That “Domino Sebastiano Anzelini” origin of the nobles Angelini of Arco, was the son of Pietro Anzelini and Cristina (whose nickname still couldn't find), and was born probably in Besenello about the year 1600, but we could'nt find the baptism act together with those of his siblings in 1595, 1603, 1607 and 1611...1 That lagoon of 8 years from 1595 to 1603 may indicate that his father Pietro could have moved temporary to another town as Nomi, or Rovereto...

The fact is that Sebastiano and his wife, Donna Ginevra Benvenuti, were baptizing their first and only son, Pietro, on october 4 of 16242, being his godparents the Egregio Signor Pietro Benvenuti, Nomi's Chanceler, and the Sigra. Angelica Chiusole, wife of Sigr. Giustiniano Chiusole di Trento... Pietro Benvenuti was certainly the grandfather of the child as he had a daughter named Ginevra baptized on march 3 of 1605 in the little village of Chiusole3. Benvenuti and Chiusole are the same family, ancient feudataries in Chiusole from the 1200, and the branch living in Trento, that used first the form “Benvenuti de Chiusole”, used since XVI c. only “de Chiusole”. Pietro Benvenuti and Giustiniano de Chiusole were close relatives, both descending of a Ser Antonio Benvenuti de Chiusole, citizen of Trento, who had died in 1516, a very wealthy man, as he had posessions in Nomi, Aldeno, Pomarolo, Piaz, Chiusole, Lizzana, near Rovereto, near Torbole, and three houses in Trento (one with two towers). He also had family sepultures in S. Cristoforo of Pomarolo and in the Altar of S. Filippo Neri in Sta. Ma. Maggiore in Trento.
Ginevra's mother, Isabetta, was highly probable a member of the Gardumi family, what help to explain why Sebastiano moved after to the County of Arco, where a branch of that family was florishing since the end of the 1500.
Dno. Sebastiano Anzelini was a widower soon after his first son, Pietro, was born, and on 3 of november of 1627 married secondly Catherina Regaiolli4, from Bolognano di Arco, the daughter of Floriano Regaiolli and Antonia Tamburini, from an old family of the county of Arco. The wedding was held at the church of Bolognano, but they moved to Besenello where were borne their first daughters, twins who were baptized as Cristina and Antonia5, as both their grandmothers. After that was born in Besenello a girl, baptized also as Antonia in 1629, and the following, another Antonia was born in Bolognano in 1633, were they had moved escaping from a plague focus in Vallagarina as said some fonts cited in a Census of Arco of 1787.
The fourth child of the couple, another girl, was baptized with the name of the first wife, Ginevra, on oct. 1635 at Bolognano.
After her came Catharina, Francesco, and a first Valentino, on 1637, 38, and 42 respectively, all baptized in Bolognano. The last died as a child if the following was baptized in 1645 with the same name again, Valentino Carlo (a nodar when adult), but already in the church of Massone di Arco, a part of the Oltresarca community, where they have moved and probably began already the construction of what would be with the time one of the beautiest villas of the county. The following child was a girl , baptized as Domenica in 1648, who died early, followed by another Domenica in january 1650, twentyfive years younger than his half brother Pietro.6, who married Domino Giacomo de Nigris from Massone (origin of Negri de Montenegro by her son the nodar Angelo).
Pietro became an important neighbour named when adult as Magnifico Domino Pietro Angelini, citizen both of Arco and Oltresarca, what means he had properties also in Arco, head of the County ruled by the Counts of Arco. He married in Trento on 1665 a rich lady, Dna. Anna Maria Cimonati, daughter of Magnifico Leonardo Cimonati, Magister foundry, and Domina Catharina Tanvini, the daughter of a very wealthy Magister foundry, Magnifico Domino Adamo Tanvini*, from Male in the Val di Sole, who had doted her with the important amount of 400 rainesi, as her other sisters following the testament of Adamo.7 Catharina's brothers, the nodar Giacomo Tanvini, and the priest Francesco, reached the rank of Ritters of the Holy Roman Empire with the predicate of von Meletto, having bought in 1679 a fief in Dalmatia named Meledo by a huge amount of money... The eldest brother, the priest Dr. LL Giovanni Battista, already dead before that, had obtained the arms for the family together with the Law Doctorate in Bolonia in 1640, and after was a Canon in Bressanone. So Magnificos Dominos Tanvini became Illustris Ritter Tanvini von Meletto, and their descendants obtained another distinction becoming von Tanvini zu Meletto und Walchenhoff since 1707, living then no longer in Male but in Caldaro/Kaltern, where they had built one of the most beautiful noble houses (edelsitz) of that town, known as “Tonvin haus”, now the seat of Caldaro's Major.

[*Note - The family Tanvini was originary from Ossana following Don Bottea (genealogist priest of 19th. c) and has no relation with family Panevini already living in Samoclevo when Tanvinis moved about 1550 to Male, in any document Tanvini appeared as Panvini as some trentine fonts mention. Afther moving to Caldaro they are also known as Thonvin. It's extaint since the beginning of 19th c.]

Returning to the family of Magnifico Domino Pietro Angelini and Anna Maria Cimonati, they had seven child, being the firstborn baptized with the name of Sebastiano, as his grand father, in 1666, who would be a prominent nodar of the county of Arco, followed by five girls, Ginevra, Catherina, another Ginevra, Elizabetha and Lucrezia, and finally another boy, baptized Leonardo Valentino, as his grandfather Cimonati and his uncle Valentino.
The girls married into families Canevaro, de Tomasi of Varignano, and two of them into the family Angeli of Dro, these last with succesion, between 1689 and 1700. Of Leonardo Valentino we have no further notices but Sebastiano (II) was the beginning of a dinasty of nodars and lawyers, following the steps of his uncle Valentino Carlo, nodar.
The “Nobile et Spectabilis”** Valentino Carlo married the Nobile Camilla Amistadi, the only daughter and heir of the “Nob. et Splis.” Francesco Amistadi, Chanceler of Arco since 1648 and Vice Comissar of the county since 1657. The marriage was held in 1662, some months after the death of her father. The mother in law of Camilla was Nob. Domnina Gardumi, daughter of the Nob. et Clarissimo Dr. Carlo Gardumi, Dr. in Law and also Commissar of Arco. As can be seen the family always was in the circle of the burger patriciate of Arco, after they became nobles of the Holy Roman Empire.
[**Note - Nobile et Spectabilis was the honorific treatment used for the nodars, before called as Egregio, denominations of roman imperial origin]

Returning to the line of Pietro's son Sebastiano (II), his godparents were the Perillustris et Exmo. Dr. Bartolomeo Malsona, then Commisar of Castel Penede jurisdiction, and the mentioned lady Nob. Domnina Gardumi.
He worked as a collegiate nodar of Arco since 1692 until 1731. In 1698 he married the Nobile Antonia Taddei of Croviana, eldest daughter of Nobile Giacomo Antonio Taddei by his first marriage with Antonia Martinelli, at the time married secondly with Nob. Joana Panevini, daughter of the Asessor of the Val di Sole Dr. Giovanni Panevini and a Pilati of Tassullo. No wonder why Sebastiano was related with Croviana if his grandmother Catharina Tanvini was of a family from Male, a neighbour village distant only 2 miles from Croviana, and Taddei family was already related with Tanvini family by the marriage of a granduncle of Antonia, Lorenzo Taddei, with a grandaunt of Sebastiano, Anna Tanvini. Taddei family was one of the most importants of the place since the early 1500, being of the men of trust of Counts Thun since then, and aparently was related by blood with Barons Pezzen (Don Bottea, a genealogist priest of 19th c.  noted that, I found many clues in that way, but we'll analize that theme in a future article). So the marriage took place in the little church of S. Giorgio of Croviana with the presence of Sebastiano's cousin Illris. Adamo (II) Tanvini (Noble of the HRI), and his uncle, Nob. Domenico Cimonati (a nodar in Trento). The bride, Antonia, was a very rich heiress, and of the entourage of Counts Thun of Croviana, goddaughter herself of countess Anna Massenza Ginevra von Thun.

Probably were present in the ceremony: her father, Nobile Giacomo Antonio Taddei, with his wife, her mother in law, Nob. Joana Panevini-Pilati, their cousins in common, that's Domino Gian Michele Taddei-Tanvini and his wife Nob. Lucia Carelli, and Domino Antonio Taddei-Tanvini with his third wife Marina Conci-Bevilacqua (also a relative of both of the new couple), and possibly being there in the ceremony, of the uncles Taddei only Bartolomeo (because Nob. LL Dr. Giovan Michele, and Nob. Gianbattista were probably in Tirol where they lived, and Elizabeth married a Bezzi of Cusiano had died the year before). There could have been also present Antonia's cousins Domenico, Cristoforo and Catharina Bezzi-Taddei, who where contemporaries of Antonia an lived in the near village of Cusiano.
From Tanvini family only a few were living still in Male as Adamo already mentioned, and were in far places... We think that if Illris Dr. Domenico Tanvini, elder brother of Adamo (II), was present, he would have been the main testimony.
Certainly were also many other relatives and friends of the main families of Croviana, Male and Magras, Dimaro, Cles, etc. as members of families: de Angelis, Belleni of Cles (family of Antonia's grandmother), de Bevilacqua, Antonietti, Bertucchi (Dr. Giovan Tomasso Bertucchi was married with the mother of Antonia's mother in law, Nob. Joana Pilati de Tassullo, widower of Giovanni Panevini), Conci, Fiorini, Lorengo (ancient nobles of Caldes), Martinelli (family of the bride's mother, from Dimaro), Ramponi of Magras, many times related along two centuries, the recently arrived Sartori, from Piano, who had bought the ancient fief of Belveder, Scaramella, of Caldes, and many others, almost all nobles or high burgers of those communities. We can think it was impossible the assistants can enter in the little church of S. Giorgio, so most were located probably at the road in front of it.
The new couple settled in Massone di Arco, in the beautiful villa at a border of the village facing the sun and the air that comes from Lake Garda. 
Villa Angelini a Massone di Arco ( in XX c. Caproni) - august 2016

They give birth to twelve sons between 1700 and 1721, of whom at least 7, three men and 4 women, reached the adult age, having one son, Giacomo Antonio (* 1708), inherited the office of nodar, and becoming Chanceller of Arco jurisdiction, origin of the branch ennobled as Angelini von Massonendorf und Brabienhof, and the other two male sons become priests, Pietro (Canon at the Collegiate Church of Arco), and Giovanni Battista. The four women married into families of social position, Anna Maria (* 1700) with a Domino Pietro (Barthei ?) of S. Massenza, Catarina (* 1703) with Dno. Giovanni Vincenzo Danieli from Lasino, who will become the origin of the family of captains and administrators of Castel Ivano in Valsugana, and so known as Danieli de Ivano, (Danieli-Vallandro/Danieli-de Gera and Danieli-Vettorelli/Danieli-Castelrotto) family who will also become related with their relatives Negri di Montenegro (see the article in this blog), Joana (*1707), who married Domino Giovanni Alovisi, from Mogno di Arco, of one of the wealthiest families of the County of Arco, owners of a great Villa in Mogno, also related with Negri de Montenegro family whose mother was Adornina Alovisi, whose descendance will become of the main importance in the offices of the county on 19th c., and finally Ginevra (* 1717) married to Domino Giovanni Battista de S. Pietro or Sampieri, resident in Arco but from Novara, mother of Lucia Sampieri, wife of Gioacchino Domenico Negri (de Nigris, de Negri, Negri di Montenegro) who was also descendant of Angelini family by Domenica f. Pietro f. Sebastiano already mentioned, so they married under dispense of consanguinity...
We will continue this article in a 2nd. part in the future with the branch of Nobles of the HRI descendants of Giacomo Antonio Angelini and Barbara Marcabruni. (Angelini-Caneri/ Angelini-de Prati/ Angelini-Grimani...)

June 29, 2018
Edmundo Rodríguez-Fosalba Prati  

1Book of Baptisms, Besenello, Microfilm Nr.
2Book of Baptisms, Nomi, Microfilm Nr.
3Book of Baptisms, Nomi, Microfilm Nr.
4Book of Marriages, Arco, Microfilm Nr.
5Book of Baptisms, Besenello, Microfilm Nr.
6Book of Baptisms, Arco, Microfilm Nr.
7Tovazzi, G., Compendium diplomaticum sive tabularum veterum N. 489

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