viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

The family Endrizzi de Cillà (also known as de Cillà and Cilladi) from the Principality of Trento / First Part


This article is about the lines of Assesors, Chancellors and Lieutenants of Castel Stenico, under Princes Madruzzo of Trento

First probable ancestors

A - (probable) Ser Abriano de Baoio - nodar acting in 1252

B - (probable) Ser Iohannis de Baoio - nodar mentioned in 1309 and 1337

C - (probable) Egr. Iohannis de Baoio - nodar acting 1351-57

C - (possible) Iohannis de Baoio

Generations related by documentary filiation of notarial acts

1a. gen>>Egr. Enrico o Endricii de Baoio (Bono) acted 1447-1463. Already dead in 1472

2a. gen>>Nob. Egr. Guglielmo de Endrizzi + desp. 1510

3ra. Gen>>Nob. Egr. Giovanni Antonio Endrizzi

Appears in documents of :

1506 (Giovanni Antonio di Guglielmo Endrizzi da Bono ) en Pergamene Arch. Parr. Sta. Croce del Bleggio, Segnatura 10,

Ego Joannes Antonius filius S Gulielmi noty de hendricis de Bono hnte. de pnti. ville Cillai plebis Blezÿ”

1510 (Giovanni Antonio di Guglielmo Endrizzi da Bono )en Pergamene Arch. Parr. Sta. Croce del Bleggio, Segnatura 12,

joannis antonius filius Egregy Viri q. Guglielmi de hendricis de Bono habit. Cilai”

1512 in Arch. Comunale Giustino, Segnatura 24, vide Pergamene

4ta. Gen>>Nob. Egr. Bartholomeo Endrizzi de Cillà

Appears in docs. of 1534-35 and as Assesor in Stenico in 1532

1534 - Bartolomeo di Giovanni Antonio Endrizzi da Bono en Arch. Parr. Pieve di Bono, curazia di Por - Segnatura 21

Btheus filius Egregÿ Viri dni. Joannes noty hendrici de bono hnte Cila”

1535 - Bartolomeo di Giovanni Antonio ""de Benedictis"" (sic) da Bono en Arch. Parr. Pieve di Bono, curazia di Por - Segnatura 22

Btolomeus filius Egregÿ Viri dni. Joannes Antonÿ Noty de Benedictis de Bono habitator Cilai Plebis Blezÿ”

5ta. Gen. Lin. GB >>Nob. et Magco. Gio. Battista Endrizzi de Cillà

Cited as Captain of Castel Tenno c. 1550 en "Memorie per servire alla storia delle Giudicarie disposte secundo l'ordine ..." p. 193

En Miscellanei Riva, pág. 8

Nodar in Riva since 1552 - Cancelliere in Stenico 1556

Tested 10.11.1572 - In Compendium Diplomaticum Nro. 1069, Vol 5, Tovazzi, pags. 90 a 94

Sons in Comp. Dipl. Vol 5 pag. 94 genealogical tree by “laudato P. Davide” (I find this tree full of errors)

6ta. Gen. Lín. GB - Nob. Nostra Endrizzi de Cillà m. Nob. Francesco Abbondi f. Nob. Egr. Veronese Abbondi Nob. del S.R.I. el 1 julio 1558 por Emp. Ferdinando]

6ta. Gen. Lín. GB - Nob. Bartholomeo Endrizzi de Cillà

6ta. Gen. Lín. GB - Nob. Nicola Endrizzi de Cillà – that follows in 7ma. Gen. Lin.GB

5ta. Gen Lin. A>>Nob. Dno. Aliprando de Cillà o Endrizzi de Cillà

Promoted as "cittadino" of Riva by Ludovico Madruzzo in 27 de enero de 1563 together with brother Battista.

Cited as "luogotenente Stenico" in 28 marzo 1575 in "Studi trentini, Volumes 3-4" 1922, pág. 61

"Luogotenente Stenico" Memorie per servire alla storia delle Giudicarie disposte secundo l'ordine dei tempi "1786, pag. 122

Notario y lugarten. (Capitano) in Stenico 1551-1579

(Coincidente entre 1566-69 con Bart. Alberti de Poja)

Mentioned as Lieutenant Castel Stenico for Fortunato Madruzzo in 1579, in "Formen der politischen Kommunikation in Europa vom 15. bis 18. Jahrhundert: Bitten, Beschwerden, Briefe" Cecilia Nubola, Andreas Würgler,2004 p. 272

Luogotenente vescovile” in Stenico en 1581 en : Sistema Informativo degli Archivi di Stato, Archivio di Stato di Trento, Archivio del Principato Vescovile di Trento, Sezione Latina, SLC30N063, al 16.10.1581, Trento

"Su istanza di Aliprando barone di Madruzzo, di Avio e di Brentonico nonché canonico di Trento e di Brescia, il principe vescovo di Trento (Ludovico Madruzzo) ordina ad Aliprando Cilao, luogotenente vescovile in Stenico, di far sequestrare i cereali spettanti al conte Antonio d'Arco nella giurisdizione di Stenico (oltre a quanto già sequestrato) affinché venga liquidata la quarta parte di un legato (saldo di un credito erogato) disposto dal padre di Antonio, conte Francesco d'Arco. Il vescovo ordina poi al conte Antonio di recarsi a Trento entro 15 giorni per ratificare la cessione dei beni sequestrati. Notifiche di avvenuta comunicazione a Stenico e ad Arco datate 23 ottobre 1581 con sottoscrizione del notaio Martino Corradi di Stenico e 26 ottobre 1581 con sottoscrizione del notaio Alessandro Minos di Arco."

Id. en "Archivi Principatus Tridentini regesta: Capsae 1-55" p. 180

Cit. en Tridentum, Volume 10, 1907, p. 280,

6ta. Gen. Lin. Am>>Nob. Margarita Cilladi ov. Endrizzi de Cillà

Married on oct. 18th, 1579 in S. Martino chapel of Castel Stenico Domino Ogniben de Iordanis o Giordani  the son of the nodar and captain of Vezzano, Nob. Egr. Giovanni de Iordanis son of Domino Filippo, and nephew of Nob. Battista de Iordanis (nobles SRI 1546), a man of confidence of Baron Nicolo III Madruzzo, as to be father in law of his son Giovanni Battista Madruzzo in 25.6.1564.

Ogniben and Margarita had at least 8 children, baptized almost all of them in Vezzano, (two acts missing), the elder named Aliprando in nov. 1586, c. and the younger Ludovico in july 23,1601, with names of the mother's family, the third one Giovanni, in march 27,1589 (this one is my direct ancestor through his grand daughter Catharina f. Aldrighetto, who married Domino Giacomo Garbari april 27,1678 in Vezzano), the sixth one, Francesco on june 13,1594, had for godmother Domenica uxor Nob. Ludovico de Cillà, Captain in Castle Stenico

Watch article

6ta. Gen. Lin. Aa >>Nob. Revdo. Dno. Aliprando Cilladi o Endrizzi de Cillà

Sacerdote - Parroco de Roncegno, testó set. 14 de 1637

6ta. Gen. Lin. Ac>>Nob. Eccmo. Cristoforo Cilladi o Endrizzi de Cillà

Cited in "Acta graduum academicorum Gymnasii Patavini ab anno 1566 ad annum ..., Volumen 2", editado por E. Martellozzo Forin en pág. 2460, 2711 y 2734

y en Acta graduum academicorum Gymnasii Patavini: (1591 - 1600)., Volumen 4, p.906 "1579 maii 10, "Ego Chrstophorus Cilladus Tridentinus iuravi"

In his marriage with Lucia Faidani vda. Festi says only "de Cillà". Mentioned as a son of Aliprando (idem source) could be a grandson of Aliprando mentioned of the 5th. Generation

Diplom of Imperial Nobility 1640 by Emp. Rudolf II

m. 12.11.1631 Dna. Lucia Faidani f. Giacomo widow of Nob. Giovanni Francesco Festi m. 1622 ). She married 3rd on 26.2.1642 Nob. Eccmo. Carlo Mazza f. Dno. Gio. Giacomo Mazza y Dna. Catta. Gottardini

7ma. Gen. Lin. Ac>>Aliprando>Cristoforo>Nob. Gral. Carlo Cilladi o Endrizzi de Cillà

General, died 1660 Prague.

6ta. Gen. Lin. A.L>>Nob. Eccmo. Ludovico Onofrio Endrizzi de Cillà

Born c. 1550 if in 1570 appears as a student at University of Perugia ("Ludovicus Cilladus" -sic- ) . His name is due to the protection of their Lords, the potent Madruzzo, Ludovico Madruzzo was Cardinale di Sant' Onofrio.

Brother of Margarita * "Cilladi" (our direct ancestor) uxor Ogniben* Giordani, his wife Domenica, was godmother in 1594 of Margarita's son Francesco Giordani.

On 15 nov. 1572 graduated in Perugia, "Ludovicus Cilladus Tridentinus" en Die Entwicklung des gelehrten Richtertums in den deutschen Territorien, Adolf Friedrich Stölzel, 1964 p.10 y en Die Matrikel der deutschen Nation in Perugia (1579-1727), F. W. Bernstein, 1956, p. 146

Cited as “Colonello”, that received “Nobiltà Imperiale” 17.4.1571 in "Memorie per servire alla storia delle Giudicarie disposte secundo l'ordine dei tempi ", 1786, pag. 122

Mentioned as Captain in Castel Stenico in 1594, following act of baptism of Francesco Giordani already cited.

Colonel in Army of Emp. Maximilian I - Nob. SRI 17.4.1571

Dr. in Law - Captain in Castel Stenico 1583-1594

7ma. Gen. Lin. A.L>>Aliprando>Ludovico Onofrio>Cav. Eccmo. Nicola Endrizzi de Cillà

Dr. en Derecho civil y canónico , graduated in Bologna c. 1606 (in pges of. Archiginnasio de Bologna) There uses arms of Cillà different than those given to his father. His name appears written as "Cilladus" -sic-. Filiation indicated in act of Calavino of 1610 Lib. IV pág. 50.

Luogotenente (Lieutenant) in Castel Stenico 1612, cit. "Memorie per servire alla storia delle Giudicarie disposte secondo l'ordine de' tempi", 1786, p.201

En Tridentum, Vol. 10., 1907, pag. 283

En doc 1601 Comp. Dipl. Vol 1 Nro. 273 Capit. Cast. Tenno

7ma. Gen. Lin. A.L>>Aliprando>Ludovico Onofrio>Nob. Nostra Endrizzi de Cillà married. 1st. Magfco. Dno. Lorenzo Faitelli (dowry 24.1.1610) and 2nd Dno. Bartolomeo Guella in 1638

7ma. Gen. Lin. A.L>>Aliprando>Ludovico Onofrio>Nob. Revdo. Giovanni Gaudenzio Endrizzi de Cillà

Cited as brother of Nostra in the will of his brother in law Lorenzo Faitelli

Cited as Captain in Castel Tenno 10.9.1627 in "Memorie per servire alla storia delle Giudicarie disposte secundo l'ordine ..." p. 204

7ma. Gen. Lin. A.L>>Aliprando>Ludovico Onofrio>Nob. Anna Ludovica Endrizzi de Cillà

married Nob. Clarmo. Hyeronimus von Manincor zu Freieck und Casez

Marriage with Anna Ludovica mentioned in : Monatsblatt des Heraldisch-Genealogischen Vereines "Adler"., Volumen 5, 1905 , Heraldisch-Genealogischen Vereines "Adler".,Kais

Dr. in Law – Hofrat Pr. bishop of Brixen, Counselor (Rath) Emp. Maximilian, Nob. 1586 -

Nob. S.R.I. 11.10.1603 On 7.2.1604 Prädikat zu Freieck und Casez.

He built Ansitz Manincor in Kaltern in 1608

Their son Nob. Ludwig Manincor zu Freieck und Ehrenhausen was the stem of the baronal branch of that family

Their grand daughter Nob. Franziska Manincor zu Freieck und Ehrenhausen married Freiherr Cristoph von Enzenberg zum Freyen und Jöchelsthurm. with descendance until our days

Other daughter of Anna Ludovica y Hyeronymus, Nob. Anna Maria Manincor zu Freieck und Casez married in 1616 Nob. Eccmo Nicola Pilati de Tassullo (In document of dowry in: pergamino AP 100 de Malé dated in Cles on 26.3.1626), their grand daughter Maria Joanna Pilati de Tassullo married Dr. LL. Clarmo Giovanni Panevini, their g.grand daughter Nob. Joana Panevini married Nob. Giacomo Antonio Taddei Belleni on 5.6.1684, (widow of his first marriage with Ana Maria Martinelli, my direct ancestors), whose daughter Nob. Maria Flora Taddei (half sister of my seventh grandmother Nob. Antonia Taddei) married 21.2.1702 Dr. LL Nob. Giovanni Battista de Angelis de Lizzasadorf with dispensation for third grade of consanguinity, both descendants of family Belleni of Cles, also with descendance until our days through, through families Bracchetti/von Gelmini etc.

So the descendance of 5ta. Gen Lin. A>>Nob. Dno. Aliprando de Cillà o Endrizzi de Cillà

ended in male lines, being the last that Gral. Carlo f. Cristoforo f. Aliprando, who died in 1660 in Prague.

The descendance of 5ta. Gen. Lin. GB >>Nob. et Magco. Gio. Battista Endrizzi de Cillà through 6ta. Gen. Lín. GB - Nob. Nicola Endrizzi de Cillà, and his son, another Carlo, captain governor in Arco, who died in 1695, followed in Arco and Riva del Garda in relevant places, surviving in male lines until our days, and will be the subject of another article.

Edmundo Rodríguez F. Prati, august 8, 2020

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020

Meaning of the concept of Nobility in European history (re edited) / Significado del concepto de Nobleza en la historia de Europa (re editado)

El concepto occidental de nobleza proviene de dos culturas , la Romana y la Germánica.
La de Roma está realcionada con los conceptos de conocido y de famoso, aquellos cuyas efigies eran exhibidas por sus sucesores en el patio principal de sus casas (atrium), los dioses manes de cada familia, eso es sus antepasados famosos, los que protegían el hogar junto a los dioses lares, que se ubicaban en el lararia ubicado próximo a la entrada al patio. Pero la verdadera clase noble en el sentido estamentarioque la palabra luego adquirió. Era el Orden Senatorial integrado inicialmente solo por los patricios, es decir aquellos que perteneciían a las gens fundadoras de Roma, a quienes se incorporaron gradualmente senadores no patricios. Había también dos grados de nobleza menor, el Orden Equestre, y una nobleza menor provincial que algunos historiadorws y genealogistas llaman nobleza Decurional, aquella de las asambleas decurionales que gobernaban las ciudades y sus territorios a semejanza del Senado.

Occidental concept of nobility comes from two cultures, Roman and Germanic.
That from Rome is related with concepts of known and of famous, those whose effigies were shown by their succesors in there houses main patio (atrium), gods “manes” of each family, that’s their famous ancestors, who protected their homes together with the gods lares. But the real noble class in the estamentary sense that after the word acquired, was Senatorial Order integrated initially only by the “patricians”, those who belong to the foundators gens, to whom were gradually incorporated non patrician senators. There were also two degrees of minor nobility, the Equestrial Order(knights), and a lower provincial nobility that is called by some historians and genealogist as decurional nobility, that of the decurional assemblies that ruled the cities and their territories in ressemblance to the roman senate .

El germánico es un principio totalmente diferente, originado en un pueblo entonces no urbanizado, que no fundaba ciudades, y se deriva del ejercicio de la guerra, cuyos jefes guerreros conformaban la clase noble (edelinge), establecidos al asentarse en la Europa continental como linajes de reyezuelos no hereditarios sino electivos (práctica que conservaría el S.R.I. para los Emperadores). Esta clase de edelinges inicial casi no sobrevivió al fin de la época bárbara.

Germanic concept is completely different, origined in not urbanized people, who didn’t founded towns, and was a derivation of the practice of war, whose warrior chiefs integrated the noble class (edelinge), stablished when they settled in continental Europe as dinasties of little kings, non hereditaries but electives (a practice that will survive in the election of S.R.I. Emperors). This initial class of edelinges didn`t survive the end of the Barbarian times.

Tanto los órdenes Senatorial y Decurional, como los Edelingen fueron gradualmente sustituidos por una nueva nobleza surgida de la riqueza y su consiguiente poder, y del servicio a las nuevas monarquías, que se fue afianzando gradualmente en la Alta Edad Media, consolidándose recién hacia el S.XII. De allí que pocas familias nobles puedan relacionar su genealogía más atrás de estos tiempos, salvo que entronquen con los antiguos linajes francos de Merovingios y Carolingios, alemanes de los Welf o Liudolfing, nórdicos de los Ybling o Skioldung, de las Islas británicas de la casa de Cerdic, hispánicas descendientes de los visigodos, unas pocas descendientes del Orden Senatorial del Imperio romano y algunas otras.
Ninguno de los dos estaba inicialmente ligado necesariamente a la posesión de derechos sobre tierras (en una época hasta sobre las personas) cosa que después caracterizaría a la misma (en una época hasta de personas).

Both Senatorial and Decurional orders and Edelingen were gradually substitued by a new nobility grown of the richness and its power, and of the service to the new monarchies, established in the High Middle Ages, about S. XII. Thus, a few noble families can relate their genealogy back through this times, except those that links to the ancient french lineages of Merovingians and Carolingians, german of the Welf or the Liudolfing, northern of Ybling or the Skioldung, of the British Islands from the House of Cerdic, spanish descendant from the Visigoths, a few descendant of the Senatorial Order of the Roman Empire and some others.
Neither Senatorial order or Edelingen was jointed initially with the possession of rights over lands (in some times even over people), a fact that will after characterize them .

Por supuesto que esta es una esquematización de un proceso que llevó más de un milenio hasta consolidarse en la época feudal, con muchas variantes en las diversas naciones de Europa. El feudalismo presentó una enorme diferencia en las regiones más romanizadas, donde persistieron grandes propietarios cuyas heredades se convirtieron en alodios (propiedades libres de carga feudal), quienes después en general se integraron a la nobleza feudal propiamente dicha. Esta recibía de un señor un feudo, en general determinado territorio, aunque podía ser simplemente la renta del mismo, o el monopolio de la pesca o de la caza, etc., a cambio del homenaje que establecía diversas obligaciones a cambio. Entre las principales estaban la ayuda militar y la obligación de administrar la justicia. La función militar adquirió tal importancia en la bastante anárquica Edad Media, que el grado más bajo de la nobleza lo conformaban las personas que podían armarse, es decir pagar su equipamiento para la guerra, cosa que gradualmente se fue cambiando por contribuciones en dinero para la misma. En cualquier caso estas personas eran vasallos, a diferencia de los siervos que no gozaban de ninguna libertad. Así el simple hecho de ser libre, situación que hoy afortunadamente goza, al menos jurídicamente, toda persona en el mundo occidental, llegó a constituir una forma de nobleza. Aunque en realidad era la doble situación de propietario y libre la que establecía la condición de integrante de estos cuadros, como la “gentry” inglesa y la “gentilitá” trentina por ej.

Of course that this is a schematization of a process that took more than a millenium until consolidated in the feudal era, with many variants in the diverse nations of Europe. Feudalism presented a huge difference in the mpst romanized regions, where persisted big landowners whose inheritances became allodium (properties free  of the feudal charge), whom after generally became integrated to the proper feudal nobility. This one received of a Lord a fief, generally a determined territorial area, though it may only be the rent of that, or the monopolic right to the fishing, or hunting, etc., in change to the hommage that established many obligations in change. Between the main ones was the military collaboration and the obligation of administrate justice. The military function acquired such preminence in the quite anarchic Middle Ages, that the lowest degree of nobility was conformed by those who can arm themselves, that is to pay their equipment for war, what with the times was being changed for contributions in money.  In any case, those persons where vassals, unlike the serfs thet hadn't any kind of freedom. And so the simple fact of being free, situation that fortunely today have, at least juridically, all people in occidental world, turned to be a form of nobility. Though in reality was the doble condition of landowner and free that established the condition to be part of these groups, as the english gentry or the trentine gentilità. 

En el fondo, pese a la importancia de lo estamentario, el poder económico es y ha sido muy importante en la elevación a la nobleza, incluso a la más alta, y allí está para probarlo la historia de los Fugger o los Rothschild, e incluso la de los Médicis (quienes en la propia Florencia eran de nobleza menor frente a otras familias, algunas de las cuales tenían troncos en la nobleza lombarda, como los Buondelmonti o hasta reclamaban un origen romano, como los Alighieri).
Para validar su preminencia en un sentido estamentario, los nobles desde siempre han recurrido a la genealogía, para que los proveyera de prestigiosos ancestros (dioses manes) a veces reales y otras inventados. La época posterior al renacimiento puso de moda las genealogías que intentaban enlazar con personajes míticos como el Rey Troilo, hijo de Príamo (caso de los Trelles asturianos, de la aldea de Trelles en la Asturias occidental, lugar de origen de mis antepasados), o hasta semidioses como Hércules.

Ultimately, despite the importance of the estamentary, economic power is and have been very important in the elevation to to nobility, even to the highest one, and there is to prove it the story of the Fugger or of the Rothschild, even of the Médicis (whom in Florence where of lower origins comparing with other families, some of whom had roots in lombard nobility as the Buondelmonti and others who even claimed roman origins as the Alighieri.
To validate their preminence in an estamentary sense, nobles have always appelaed to genealogy, to provide them of prestigious ancestors (manes gods), some times reals and others invented. In the era after the Renaissance were in vogue the tempt to laze with mythical characters, as King Troilus , a son of  Priamus (in the case of the asturian Trelles, from the hamlet of Trelles in Occidental Asturias), or even demigods as Hercules.

Más allá de todas estas apreciaciones fundadas, el hecho es que en toda sociedad existen personas , familias y grupos que se destacan, “aristocracias” en sentido amplio, que no tienen por que mantener los preceptos de milenios atrás.
¿Es acaso más noble un hijo de un oscuro noble menor provinciano de Europa que Bill Gates por ejemplo?. En el strictu sensu de la nobleza "de sangre" seguramente sí, pero si U.S.A. no fuera una república sino una monarquía, el Señor de Microsoft sería como mínimo un Barón, obteniéndolo por su poder económico como lo hicieran los Rotschild, y si se dedicara también a la política seguramente un Marqués o un Duque, como mi pariente el Gral. Don Juan Prim hace una centuria y media, o como el Primer Ministro Adolfo Suárez hace pocas décadas. Se conoce sin embargo el tiempo que le tomó a la Reina Elizabeth II de Gran Bretaña nombrarlo a Paul Mc Cartney como Sir, siendo que seguramente hay pocos ciudadanos más “conocidos” y más “famosos” en la isla? Y que además ha sido, creo, respetable hasta en un sentido victoriano de la palabra... Pero es claro que la Reina viene de un mundo muy estructurado por antiguas costumbres donde siempre es más respetable un banquero que un compositor e intérprete de música pop.

Beyond all these apreciations, the fact is that in all societies exist persons, families and groups that stand out, “aristocracies” in a wide sense, that doesn´t have to keep precepts of passed milenies. Is more noble the son of an obscure provintial noble than Bill Gates as an example? In the strictu senso of the nobility “of blood” certainly yes, but if USA weren't a republic but a monarchy, the Lord of Microsoft would be a Baron as minimun, obtaining that cause of he's economical poweras once the Rothschild did, and if he dedicated also to politics, certainly a Marquis or a Duke, as my relative Don Juan Prim at the middle XIX c or Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez some decades ago. On the other hand is well known the time that took Queen Elizabeth II of Gr. Britain to appoint Paul Mc Cartney as a Sir, being one of the most known and famous citizens of the British Islands. And even being him respectable even in a victorian meaning of the word... But the Queen still represents a world structured by ancient uses, were is always more respectable a politic or a banker than a composer and player of pop music.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

The conversion and marriage of a jew in XVIIth century, at the village of Strigno, in the trentine Valsugana

Searching for my roots at the village of Strigno, of the names of my direct ancestors, Boninsegna and Barezotto or Barizzotti, but also of all their relatives, as the noble Lords of Strigno, the Castelrotto, and many other relevant families of the region, under the jurisdiction of Castle Ivano, many times related in the times to my familiar ancestry history, I found this peculiar documents at the parish church archives microfilmed by the mormon church, reading them in one of the hundreds of Family Centers all around the world....

As a Domino Giovanni Paolo Alpruni called Bressanini married a Domina Margarita Bertagnoni, a far relative through the Barezzotto family, as a descendant of Nob. Dr. Roberto Barezzoto, Doctor in Law, I searched documents about Bressanini family...

I found Bressaninis were not originally from Strigno,  descendants of an inhabitant, Domino Paulo Bressanini, the "speciaro" of Strigno (in those times a government concession), that married a lady Spadoletto from Strigno. Their daughter Orsola is the one who married a converse jew from Padua named Alpruni.

So we found in the Church book of marriages, at the date of august 24 of 1680 the act of the marriage, in latin, of "Carolus  Petrus Gaudentius Alpruni Pattavinus judey.. ani prdo. ante baptezato" with "Ursula q. D. Pauli Bressanini Strigni" (q. is the abreviature for quondam and D. for Domino)
what means: "Carlo Pietro Gaudenzio Gardumi from Padova jew baptized before on the year up indicated" , and "Orsola daughter of the deceased Sir Paolo Bressanini of Strigno"

At the index of the Book of marriages it's said, in italian "Alpruni, Carlo - judeo- che poco prima fu battezato, ai 24 Agosto 1680 si sposo con Orsola Bressanini" (Alpruni, Carlo - jew- that shortly before was baptized... etc.)

We found that previous baptism with the date of june 30 of 1680 telling us the following in italian, full of abreviatures, as was styled :

Adi 30 giugno 1680

Hebreo fatto christiano                                                                      Calimán nato hebreo

"Carlo Pietro Gaudenzio Alprun nato hebreo est nome di Caliman Padoano doppo haber servizio in casa delli hebrei qui di Strigno cualque tempo...."

and after some other text, where is mentioned "adorata la judaica perfidia" a clear proof of the religious intolerance of those times, came the name of the illustrious godparents:

"fu levato del S. Fonte dall'Illmo. Sigr. Pietro Gasparo Buffa di Scurelle (missed) del Sermo. Duca di Lorena, Gobernator di S. Maesta  Cesarea Leopoldo Pro. del Austria
Matrina fu la Molte. Illre. et Clarma. Sigra, Orsola C. Rotto moglie del Molt'. Illre et Clarmo. Sigre. Dr. Gio. Battista C. Rotto Fiscale Cesareo alli Confini di Italia."

We can translate that as:

On june 30, 1680

Hebrew done christian                                                                         Caliman born hebrew

"C.P. G.A.  born hebrew with the name of Caliman from Padova, after being on service in the house of the hebrew here in Strigno... ..."adored the jewish perfidy"

"was taken to the baptismal font by the Illustrious Sigr Pietro Gasparo Buffa ..... of the Serene Duke of Lorena, Gobernor of his Imperial Majesty Leopold I of Austria
The godmother was the Very Illustrious and Brilliant Lady Orsola Castelrotto wife of the Very Illustrious and Brilliant Doctor Sir Giovanni Battista Castelrotto, Imperial Prosecutor at the Frontiers of Italy"

Pietro Gasparo Buffa was Imperial noble as indicates the treatment of Illustrious, he was the Baron of Castellalto, and Gobernor of the jurisdiction. His complete official name was Barone Pietro Gasparo Buffa di Haiden, Monte Giglio e Castellalto, or Freiherr Peter Caspar von Haiden, Lilienberg und Castellalto, in german.

Doctor in Law, Sir Giovanni Battista Castelrotto was of a rancid lineage of that family, being descendant also of family Filippini von Thun and her wife so, being descendant also of the Roccabruna family.
As we can see marriages between jews and christians were admitted after a conversion, and seems to be at that times were no major prejudices in that region at least... 

The descendance of the marriage Alpruni Bressanini took after the name Bressanini,  and linked again with some other relatives of mine, as Nob. Silvestro de Castelrotto (descendant of the Barezzoto family) of the branch of that family that were the hereditary "regolanos" of Strigno, a charge in other communities was elective. 

                                                                        Edmundo Rodríguez-Fosalba Prati
                                                                                                         april 15, 2020  
Photo of the Bell tower of the Parish Church of Strigno by the artist and photographer
Nereo Tomaselli, of an ancient family of Strigno, published for public share in his facebook wall 31.3.2106:

The family Endrizzi de Cillà (also known as de Cillà and Cilladi) from the Principality of Trento / First Part

  This article is about the lines of Assesors, Chancellors and Lieutenants of Castel Stenico, under Princes Madruzzo of Trento First pro...